Callbacks API: Authorization
Authorization is based on apiKey
. It must be provided as a value to the corresponding parameter of "auth" RPC call.
To successfully authorize with the Callbacks API, your client's IP address must be included to a white list on the Seller Center side.
For Seller Center admins
Setting the apiKey and whitelist of IP addresses can be done from Seller Center -> Maintenance -> Configuration Parameters -> Systems Credentials -> Edit the "Shop - Callback Server" entry
You should treat auth RPC call as json-rpc notification and omit id for it.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "auth",
"params": {"apiKey":"12345"}
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"params": {
"result": [
// Response
"id": "122" //This is the request unique id sent earlier
Authorization should be always first RPC call in a batch.
All calls before authorization will have "Could not authorize request" error.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32001,
"message": "Could not authorize request",
"data": null
"id": "122"