Group the specified Order Items into a Return Manifest.
The specified Order Items must be already in the “returned” status for this call to be successful.
Request example
"Request": {
"OrderItemIds": [123, 456],
"ShippingProvider": "UPS",
"TrackingNumber": "123456789",
"SellerId": 747
If the request is successful, Seller Center will create a new Manifest and generate a Manifest ID for it which will be returned in the response. Clients should store the Manifest ID and use it in subsequent calls to UpdateManifestStatus.
Success response
"SuccessResponse": {
"Head": {
"RequestId": "",
"RequestAction": "CreateReturnManifest",
"ResponseType": "",
"Timestamp": "2015-07-02T12:26:03+0200"
"Body": {
"CreateReturnManifest": {
"ManifestId": "MF123456789"
Error response
"ErrorResponse": {
"Head": {
"RequestAction": "CreateReturnManifest",
"ErrorType": "Sender",
"ErrorCode": "0",
"ErrorMessage": "Some elements were not processed."
"Body": {}