Seller Data Structure
Name |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Yes |
primary email address |
name |
Yes |
string |
primary contact name |
short_code |
No |
string |
If core:seller/shortcode_strategy set to random, it will be sent to Shop on creation. On Update call we always send it |
company_name |
Yes |
string |
legal company name |
shop_name |
Yes |
string |
shop name, the brand under which items are sold |
phone |
Yes |
string |
phone number for business |
address1 |
Yes |
string |
address field for business |
address2 |
undefined | string |
additional address field for business |
city |
Yes |
string |
city for business |
postcode |
Yes |
string |
postcode for business |
country |
Yes |
string |
the ISO code of the country, e.g. DE for Germany, for business |
bankaccountname |
undefined | string |
bank account name |
bankaccountnr |
undefined | string |
bank account number |
bankaccountbank |
undefined | string |
bank account bank name |
bankaccountbank_code |
undefined | string |
bank account bank code |
bankaccountiban |
undefined | section |
bank account iban number |
bankaccountswift |
undefined | string |
bank account swift number |
customercare_email |
undefined | email address for customer care |
customercare_name |
undefined | string |
contact name for customer care |
customercare_phone |
undefined | string |
phone number for customer care |
customercare_address1 |
undefined | string |
address field for customer care |
customercare_address2 |
undefined | string |
additional address field for customer care |
customercare_city |
undefined | string |
city for customer care |
customercare_postcode |
undefined | int |
postcode for customer care |
customercare_country |
undefined | string |
the ISO code of the country, e.g. DE for Germany, for customer care |
terms_conditions |
undefined | string |
the terms and conditions of the seller account |
tagline |
undefined | string |
seller account tagline |
description |
undefined | string |
seller account description |
vat_number |
undefined | string |
seller VAT number |
vat_registered |
undefined | bool |
indicates if sellers needs vat registration |
businessregnumber |
undefined | string |
seller business registration number |
tax_class |
undefined | string |
seller tax class |
sellerId |
Yes(for adding a logo) |
int |
the id of the seller |
fileUrl |
Yes(for adding a logo) |
string |
the url of the logo on sellercenter side, to be downloaded |
warehouse_name |
undefined | string |
name of the warehouse |
warehouse_address1 |
undefined | string |
warehouse address 1 |
warehouse_address2 |
undefined | string |
warehouse address 2 |
warehouse_email |
undefined | warehouse email |
warehouse_phone |
undefined | string |
warehouse phone number |
warehouse_postcode |
undefined | string |
warehouse postcode |
warehouse_city |
undefined | string |
warehouse city |
warehouse_country |
undefined | string |
warehouse country |
orderlimitreached |
undefined | int |
Indicates with value "1" the fact that the seller has reached his order limit. Only when using OVL strategy: Notify Shop |
status |
string |
Status of the seller account. Supported values:
sellercustominformation |
No |
JSON object |
Defines additional seller information. |
warehouse_* fields are requested by a Venture
warehouse_* fields are requested by a Venture. With the current implementation(9-10-2015) they are sent only on update.
Seller Custom Information Field
When sellercustominformation should be used each of the custom fields is added as a key-value string pair. When files should be provided through this additional field they are not sent directly instead the url to the file is provided. The sent custom fields keys have to follow some naming convention:
- lower case
- underscores instead of space-characters
"seller_custom_information": {
"seller_custom_field_1": "seller_custom_field_1_value",
"seller_custom_field_2": "seller_custom_field_2_value"
"seller_custom_information": {
"person_in_charge": "Daniel Rechard",
"is_brand_owner": "1"